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I'm Sam

Founder of Sudor

My journey to creating SUDOR was born from a desire to use the sauana more - but with no nearby options to where I live.

I knew the benefits were incredible I just couldn't access them with ease. At-home alternatives cost thousands of pounds.

After months of research and testing I partnered with a leading Sauna manufacter to bring the vision to life. That’s how SUDOR was born – a portable, affordable, and easy-to-use sauna that brings the luxury of a spa to your home without breaking the bank.

About Sudor

At SUDOR, we believe in the power of sweat to transform lives. Born out of a quest to make the benefits of sauna available to all, SUDOR is here to revolutionize the way you think about at-home wellness.

Forget the overpriced, bulky sauna setups that require a dedicated room and a small fortune. SUDOR brings you portable, affordable saunas that fit right into your home and your life. Our saunas are designed to be user-friendly and space-efficient, so you can enjoy the rejuvenating heat therapy of a traditional sauna & steam room without leaving your house or breaking the bank.

P.S SUDOR means to SWEAT in spanish.